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DO you write Children's Stories?

You've come to the right place. Below are some of the frequently asked questions about our publishing company. If you don't see an answer to your question below, reach out to us directly at

What kind of children's books do you publish?

We publish children's books that celebrate and inspire the curiosity of little readers between the ages of 3-8. The stories are typically lively stories with beautiful illustrations. 

How much does publishing a children's book with Gracelyn Books cost?

We offer partner publishing, which requires the author to pay a portion of the publishing costs. We only charge a design fee for the creative process and the cost of illustrations. A typical 32-page children's picture book investment would be between $1,000 - $2,500, depending on the type of illustrations.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes. We require the design fee to be paid in three installments with a discount for payment in full. The first installment is made upon signing the contract. The second installment is made when the illustrations are delivered. The final payment is made when before receiving the formatted proof.

Are you accepting submissions?

Yes. We accept submissions year-round. All of our submissions are carefully reviewed, and not all are accepted. We publish under a dozen titles per year.

Do you require agented submissions?


Do you accept submissions from first-time authors?

We do. Our mission is to find good stories. Period.

How long does it take to publish a children's book?

Typically around six months.

What format is available for children's books?

We publish in hardback and paperback and offer ebooks. We recommend an 8.5" x 8.5" or 8" x 8" trim size for the most affordable size to print. It also allows for better conversion to ebooks. We are moving toward audible books but haven't offered that yet.

What do you require to start the process?

Send us your complete manuscript. If we like it, we will connect with you to discuss the next steps.

What royalty do you offer authors?

Situations vary, and it depends on whether we publish traditionally (we pay all upfront expenses to produce and market your book) or if we contract a hybrid model (you will pay a portion of the publishing costs upfront).  Typically 15% for hardback and 20% for paperback.  

Is there a way to negotiate a higher royalty?

Yes. For those who want assistance with self-publishing, we charge for the entire publishing process upfront, with payment in full or in three installments. The author retains 90-100% royalty, depending on whether the author publishes under their imprint or ours.

Do you offer an advance?

We do not.

Can I illustrate my own book?

Are you a professional artist? If so, yes. Are you a talented artist who loves to draw? If so, maybe. Are you hoping you can jump on Canva and put something together? If so, no.


Illustrations play a big role in the success of your book. They fill in the gaps and help the child go on an adventure. It's important to hire a professional who is skilled in illustrating stories. We work with talented artists who have done this successfully for hundreds of books. We take a serious interest in the creative direction of our books and prefer to collaborate on illustrations.

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